In this newer title Richter cannot whip in several directions like Simon could on the SNES, and the feature would never again find itself into a Castlevania title – you can speculate on whether Konami felt it broke gameplay or if it was in there just to show off Simon swinging from his whip on an SNES launch title. The gameplay is sharp and responsive, which is necessary to tackle some of the brutal later levels that are a testament to both platforming and battle. Due to its almost non-existent localization, this title is the only chance most American’s have to see things like dripping blood, topless female enemies, and plenty of religious iconography like crosses, all of which had been previously censored in Nintendo’s US localization process. Innovation in level design isn’t the only significance of this game. Without a doubt, it’s a game that should be played, especially at the ridiculously low price and amazing emulation on the Wii Virtual Console – this was a title no one ever guessed we’d receive.
I think what strikes Rondo of Blood as the best title in the series is that it can be enjoyed by fans of both the linear titles and those who prefer the new massive map exploration (ie: MetroidVania) iterations. As many have noted it begins concept that would later become Symphony of the Night and spawn the controversially named MetroidVania string of titles. You can even find and unlock Maria, a handmaiden, early on in the game and she becomes a playable character. Levels vary in length depending on the player because although you start the level in the same place, there are often multiple ways to complete a level. There are secrets all over the place, from ledges you can’t seem to reach or locked doors that most first time players won’t have the key to.

It isn’t until the third level (although technically Stage 2 because there’s a prologue) that you start to discover this game is different from previous iterations. When you first start playing the game, it comes off as just another hodgepodge Castlevania game that fuses aspects of all the previous titles into one new hybrid, just like Super Castlevania IV. Oh yeah, and until recently it was never released outside of Japan. Thanks to the RAM and CD format of this title, it also features amazing sound design and an anime-like style. It takes place in Germany, I think (I’ve never played the game in English), and the cutscenes even contain German dialogue with Japanese subtitles. Rondo of Blood (as it is known in English) follows Richter Belmont, a descendent of Simon and Trevor, in a side story where he seeks out Dracula to recover his girlfriend Annette. As a side story to the series, appearing on the PC-Engine CD no less, I don’t think Konami ever intended the game to be popular but what it does for the Castlevania formula is worth noting. Value: $83.00(used) Unknown – this usually indicates none have ever been sold (new) ( )ĭigital Release? Yes – Virtual Console and remake on Dracula X Chronicles (PSP) – $9.00 (VC), $15.00 (PSP) digitallyĪkumajo Dracula X: Chi No Rondo is one of those games that you either know about or you don’t.

Japanese Title: Akumajo Dracula X: Chi No Rondo – English Translation: Devil’s Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood