
Best open world rpg for mac
Best open world rpg for mac

What kind of an impact did the stunning Mad Max: Fury Road have on the Mad Max game? Well, it was probably both good and bad. The gameplay loop alongside that addictive mother base management, buddy customization, a well-designed multiplayer mode, and a wonderful opening hour featuring a giant flaming whale, make The Phantom Pain an unmissable open world adventure. It is these high adrenaline moments, that are unique to every player, that make The Phantom Pain so special. Seconds later, your personalised helicopter playing ‘The Final Countdown’ soars through the Afgan skies to take you back to base. Once your targets are secured, you call in a chopper to pick you up. You could spend half an hour creeping through a heavily guarded outpost, picking enemies off one by one, only to be spotted and have to change tactics, going from stealth to full-on attack mode. It gives players that chance to create their own stories of war and escape. The ability to tackle objectives at your leisure, however the player sees fit, gives the game a true sense of freedom. Visionary Hideo Kojima has created a truly open world that allows the player to leave and return as they please. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was just an appetizer for the masterpiece that is The Phantom Pain. Dying Light is certainly the surprise open world hit of the year. The risk and reward system creates a real dilemma in the player’s mind. Enemies become fiercer and escaping becomes more difficult, but rewards are more valuable. The dynamic change of the game that comes when the sun sets ramps up the tension and fear. Leaping between building and scrambling up walls adds tension to each escape attempt with the slow motion reverse camera showing how close you are to death.


Clearly influenced by Mirror’s Edge, the free running makes exploration more enjoyable and fleeing from zombies even more frantic. However, Dying Light added something else to the mix: fast parkour. It features first person action, a large open world, and weapon crafting. In many ways, Dying Light is similar to Techland’s other series, Dead Island. However, with January being a quiet month for games, and with Dying Light being surprisingly well-received, it became the first big game of 2015. Another open world, first person, zombie survival game would never sell millions of copies in a packed October or November. January was the perfect time for Dying Light to be released.

Best open world rpg for mac